مشخصات فایل
عنوان: پاورپوینت درمورد روابط درون بخشی و برون بخشی
قالب بندی: پاورپوینت
تعداد اسلاید: 41
nطبقه بندی سازمان بهداشت و درمان:
1 - طبقه بندی شده مدت اقامت
2 - طبقه بندی بر اساس نوع خدمات
3 - طبقه بندی بر اساس نوع مالکیت
- تعریف
- توابع بیمارستان
اسلاید 1
Types of Health Care Organizations
Classification according to length of stay:
1) Sort-stay facilities:
- Which provide services to patients/clients who are suffering from acute conditions that require less than 24 hrs of care.
- Short stay may take place in separate units in a hospital, or in short –stay centers.
اسلاید 2
Types of Health Care Organizations
2) Traditional acute care:
- It takes place in the hospital.
- It includes patients staying more than 24 hrs but fewer than 30 days.
3) Long term care :
- Which include those agencies that offering services to patients with major rehabilitation needs, chronic diseases, functional losses, or mental illness.
- The average length of stay extends from
several months to years.
اسلاید 3
Types of Health Care Organizations
Classification by type of service:
1) General hospital:
- Which offers medical, surgical. Obstetric, emergency, and diagnostic as well as laboratory services.
اسلاید 4
Types of Health Care Organizations
2) Specialty hospital:
- Which offers only a particular type of care. such as:
- psychiatric hospitals
- women's hospitals
- children's hospitals
- Specialty hospitals tend to be less common than general hospitals
اسلاید 5
Types of Health Care Organizations
3) Community hospital:
- Which provides those services provided in the general hospital but for specific community.
اسلاید 6
Types of Health Care Organizations
4) Tertiary hospital:
- Which are serving as referral centers for clients with complex or unusual problems.
- They have the facilities for specialized types of care such as burn centers, bone marrow transplant centers, as well as resources for general care.
- They serve a wide geographic area in addition to their own community.
- Usually associated with a university or are a part of a large medical center.
- و . . .
کلمات کلیدی : پاورپوینت درمورد روابط درون بخشی و برون بخشی,طبقه بندی شده مدت اقامت ,طبقه بندی بر اساس نوع خدمات ,طبقه بندی بر اساس نوع مالکیت ,توابع بیمارست
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دوشنبه 10 تیر 1398 ساعت 20:53